Monday, June 16, 2008

Creating a Home Journal: Step 4-Weekly Schedule

My Weekly Schedule keeps me on track during the week. Certain tasks are assigned on each day; This is the next sheet in the Schedules part of my binder. This is something that evolves over time. I would start with just writing a simple plan on loose-leaf until you figure out what works for you. Here is what mine looks like:

Monday: Menu Day
Work on menus and grocery list for next week.
Make sure refrigerator is clean.
Dust and Mop all floors
Work on project

Tuesday: Grocery and Errand Day
Double check list and remember to with you.
Clean Inside Windows, Mirrors, TV/monitor screens
Grocery Day
Errand Day:
  • Library
  • Post office
  • Groceries

  • Wednesday: Zone Clean and Partial Desk Time
    Clean sinks, toilets and bathtub
    Make Bread
    Work on project
    Write thank-you notes.

    Thursday: Free Day
    Garbage goes out today: Empty all garbage cans.
    Water Plants.

    Friday: Paperwork and Misc.
    Be romantic today.
    File papers.
    Write letters and cards.
    Clean large appliances
    Clean laundry room.

    Friday: is "Date Night", Saturday: is "Family Fun Day", Sunday: is "Renew Your Spirit Day"

    The important thing to remember about schedules is that they are guides. They are very useful for keeping us on track but we are not a slave to them. They should make living easier not stress us out!

    Write out all the tasks you need to get done during the week-groceries, cleaning, paperwork, time for self, etc. assign each task a day of the week. Create your weekly schedule. Tweak as needed.

    The Cleaning Plan

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