Monday, June 16, 2008

Creating a Home Journal: Step 3-Building Routines

By now you should have a pretty binder ready to fill with all the information needed to run your house. As I delve deeper into this adventure called life I am discovering I am a creature of habit. My routines help me focus and keep me on task as I have also discovered I am bit of a scatter brain. The important thing to remember about routines is that they should be simple and realistic - especially in the beginning. For example my dds daily school day morning routine is:
wake up
make bed
eat breakfast
wash face, brush teeth
comb hair
get dressed
pack lunch in bag (and anything else needed for the day)

When building my routines, I first decided what I had to do in the mornings; make breakfast for self and children, wash up, get dressed, get children ready. Then I added a new thing each week; things like make bed, start laundry etc. until I was happy with the routine.

I did the same things for my night routines and I am now working on my afternoon routines. In the early stages of building a new routine I just write them on a piece of loose-leaf paper that I put in the first section of my binder. I have that set up for my afternoon routine right now! When I am done building my routine I will then type it up, print it and put the hard copy in a page protector and then into the first section of my home Journal.

It is really easy to get carried away and make a complicated set of routines that will overwhelm you and cause you to abandon them all together. Please bear this in mind! Keep it simple, select only what you have to do then add one item at a time. When you do this you will create routines that you will follow and stick too and they will surely help alleviate some of the chaos in your life as they have done mine!

  • Make title page for Routines and Schedules section of Home Journal.
  • create a Morning, Evening and Night time routine.


    Weekly Schedules
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