Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Cleaning!

I have decided that I am going to post about my body and spirit as well as my house and home. I am following a new to me blog called Domestic Witch that is going to help me with this I think. She is running a 12 week series that I am really excited about. Each week has a theme and this week the focus is on our home's exterior and our health. I am bit behind as I just started today but I will be on track in no time. The first task is an excellent one! We are to go to each room of the home and create a list of what repairs and maintenance needs to be done. I plan to take time to do this tomorrow. I will put this list in my Home Journal when I am done.

The second task is to create a similar list only for myself. I will list any health concerns I have and make a plan to address them. I will also write down exercise or other lifestyle goals I have and make a plan to accomplish what I want to in those areas as well.

Anyone wanna join me?

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