Thursday, March 25, 2010


Massive de-cluttering going on over here! It feel amazing! I have purging my mental and my physical space. I have been collecting boxes of clutter in the basement for years. I am finally getting rid of them. It is causing an amazing thing to happen! I am developing this sense of peace within that I hadn't realized was missing before. That clutter was robbing me! I have read FlyLady testimonies before that describe this but I didn't fully grasp what was meant. I am figuring it out now though! removing all this clutter is making room for me to feel peace

Image: Tina Phillips /


bj said...

awesome. i know that i get a taste of that feeling from time to time. but overall, i'm overwhelmed with clutter. i really need a clearing. maybe the stitch n witch crowd will have some ideas for infusing or empowering my wish/intent for this. i'm still gonna be doing dishcloths.

Unknown said...

YAY! Good for you Cherie! I'm still trying. Baby steps...