Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Living Kitchen: Kombucha

I am enjoying a glass of my second successful batch of Kombucha! I was inpired by what I read in Nourishing Traditions. I used a S.C.O.B.Y. that I got from a friend and a really big glass jar I bought from Ikea. I boiled 20 cups of water and poured it into my glass container. Then, I added 6 Tetley tea bags and a cup of sugar and stirred until the sugar dissolved and let it cool to room temperature. When the tea was cool enough, I added the S.C.O.B.Y on top and put a cotton towel on top, secured it with an elastic band, placed it in my brewing cupboard and forgot all about it for a week. When the week was up I tasted it and it was done and it was good! To me it tasted similar to ginger ale. I am not going to comment on any of the benefits to drinking it but if you do a google search there is tons of information out there. I just wanted to post that I made it and it was easy.

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