Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thanksgiving Plan 2008 -Part 2

Gathering Week

There are a lot of little things that go into making an extra special Thanksgiving Dinner. Sure there is the meal and really that is all that is required but the extra details can help make the memory even brighter and really that is what life is about isn't it? Making special memories. Putting it all together requires a little planning and that is what I have been doing these last few weeks. I made my plan. Wrote out all the steps I need to take to make it happen. decided the menu, the guest list, the decorations and table setting. One of the important details for me is that all the food right down to the condiments be as fresh as possible and homemade too! I canned pickles, relishes and fruit preserves last week. This week is about gathering any supplies I can. I will get out the linens I want to use, make sure they are clean and in good repair and replace anything that needs it. I will make sure I have all the equipment I need to make the meal and arrange to borrow or buy anything I am missing. I will also gather all the supplies for the center pieces, napkin rings and any other decorations I want to use.

This task is probably the most fun part of the plan because it means the children and I get to go on a walk to gather pine cones, colourful leaves or whatever else strikes our fancy.vI will pack us a lunch to have while we are on out nature walk. We will walk along the Ottawa river where our backdrop will be the gorgeous Gatineau Hills and it is just breath taking! I promise to post pics!

So this is what I am up to this week If any of you are following along with me to I wish a Happy Gathering Week ;)

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