Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fire Escape plan

I just put one together for our family. I created a floor plan in Photoshop but you could just draw one by hand. Whatever you do make one and practise it with your family! It could save a life!

Make The Plan
Draw a plan of your house and clearly label windows, doors stairs and rooms.
With a brightly coloured marker, draw the escape route from each room. try to have two escape routs from each room.
Designate a meeting place outside.

Put the Plan in Action
Have a family meeting to discuss the plan and practise it.
hold drills at least twice a year. We will do one in winter and one in summer.

Dont Forget!
You should have at least one smoke detector for each floor of your home; one near sleeping areas and one near the kitchen. A fire extinguisher is also important to have in the kitchen.

Please do this! I found out that 70 percent of families in Canada do not have a fire safety plan. I hope you never have to use one but wont you be glad you had one if you ever have to?


Gill - That British Woman said...

you are so organized. I wish you lived closer then you could come over and sort me out!!! Thanks for all those kind words you put on my blog.


By the way I have got a new recipe on the blog on Friday.

Kt said...

Good advice!

Check the batteries too, if they're not hard-wired smoke detectors.