Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Last Week of Summer Vacation! Part 2

Changing of the Guard in Ottawa

My mom, daughter, youngest son and 2 nephews (older boys). I swear we are a happy lot! dunno why no one smiled for this. lol

Monday, August 25, 2008

Last Week of Summer Vacation! Part 1

school starts on September 2 this year. We are looking forward to it! We had an amazing summer. We got to see much of the city we had not seen, had a lot of fun and also got to relax. This is the week to squeeze in anything we still haven't done. This week we will see a movie matinee, visit a museum and go for a hike. Below is small gallery of our summer this year.

Trip to Canadian Museum of Nature

Fun at the Water Park

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Planning a Party!

So my blogging has been sporadic at best but there is a good reason for this! I have been party planning! My youngest child turned a year yesterday (how is that possible!?), My sister turns 35 on Friday so I am having a birthday for her, and lastly my parents are having their 25th wedding anniversary the next day,vI am not totally responsible for the last one but I am helping a fair amount. I thought I would share how I party plan. Since I have developed this habit parties have become a fun activity for me rather than a stressful headache! This goes in the Misc. section of my Home Journal

Party Plan

1 month ahead for a formal party; 2 weeks ahead for a casual gathering

  • Decide on the date, place, and style of party.
  • Make up the guest list.
  • Plan the menu.
  • For formal parties, mail invitations. For casual parties, mail invitations or telephone your guests to invite them.
  • Decide what table settings, decorations, centerpieces, and music you'll use.
  • Make arrangements for any items you'll need to rent or borrow.

1 to 2 weeks ahead

  • Telephone any guests who have not responded to your invitations so you can get a definite guest count.
  • Do preliminary housecleaning, especially any time-consuming tasks. Make sure all appliances that you'll be using work. If you're grilling, don't forget to buy charcoal or fill the gas canister.
  • Compile your grocery-shopping list. Check on items such as matches, candles, and liquor, and add the things you'll need to your shopping list. Don't forget ice.
  • Check that table linens are clean and ready to go. Decide on tableware and serving pieces. Wash infrequently used pieces. If you're using disposable paper or plastic items, inventory what you have on hand and add the items you need to your shopping list.
  • Order any special flowers, meats, seafood, or other ingredients you'll need.
  • If you're making decorations or centerpieces yourself, now's the time to get started.
  • If possible, make some foods ahead and freeze them.

2 to 3 days ahead

  • Shop for everything but the most perishable items.
  • After you return from shopping, recheck your recipes to make sure you have everything you need.
  • Plan your timetable for cooking the foods.
  • If possible, make nonperishable items, such as snack mixes, ahead.

1 day ahead

  • Shop for perishable and last-minute items.
  • Reclean the house as necessary.
  • Decorate for the party. Prepare an area for coats and umbrellas.
  • If possible, arrange and set your tables and serving areas.
  • Prepare as many recipes and ingredients as possible. For example, chop vegetables you'll cook as part of a recipe. Some chores, however, such as cleaning salad greens, should wait until party day.
  • Thaw frozen items. If the items are perishable, thaw them in the refrigerator.

Party Day

  • Go over the house again for a final cleaning check. If necessary, move furniture.
  • Prepare the foods according to your timetable so everything will finish when needed. Wash dishes as you go along to save cleanup time later. Don't forget to run the dishwasher, so it'll be empty and ready for party dishes.
  • Make sure all foods and beverages to be served cold will be well chilled by party time. Last-Minute Details 1 hour ahead
  • Put all the finishing touches on the meal and tables.
  • Clear a spot for placing used dishes as guests finish with them, and provide an easily accessible place for garbage.
  • Set out cheese and nonperishable appetizers or snacks, if using. As the Doorbell Rings 5 to 15 minutes ahead
  • Open wine, if serving. Set out remaining appetizers and snacks, if using.
  • Light candles and turn on music, if using.
Table settings:  


Guest List
Name Address Phone#


Menu Plan
Main Dish  
Side Dishes  


Grocery List
Grocery Items
Wine/Beer Store

Extra Notes

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Creating a Home Journal: Step 8 - Children's Section

In this section of my binder I keep all things pertaining to the children. Ever get asked "What do the children need?" or "What size is certain child?"by a grandparent or auntie? Well let me tell you it makes life so easy to flip to the children's section of journal and have all the info right there in the Clothing Inventory table.

Shirts, Winter    
Shirts, Summer    
Pants, Winter    
Pants, Summer    
Light Jacket    
Winter Coat    
Snow Pants    
Sneakers, Outdoor     
Sneakers. School     
Dress Shoes    
Casual Sandals    
Rain Boots     

Next in this section is School Information Our school request that we pay a flat fee at the beginning of the year and they provide school supplies. If your children's school doest do this, you may want to keep a list here. Blow is a blank version of the record I keep for each child attending school.


Child's Name  School Name  
Room Numer  Teacher's Name School Numer 


1st Period MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
2nd Period
1st Break      
3rd Period      
4th Period      
2nd Break      
5th Period      
6th Period      

Project/ Test Name Date Assigned Date Due

I also keep vaccination records in this section and any other medical information.

The next part has all the information for the children's activities including schedules, equipment inventory, fee/rental receipts/contracts etc.

This part has a list of each child's friends and their phone numbers and addresses..

I also keep a running wish list for each child. when I see there is something they would like to have or do I write it down in this part. This section comes in handy for Holidays and birthdays.

The last part of this section is Rainy Day Activities. I keep ideas for activities like crafts and, fields trip ideas and Schedules for the pool, library and play groups here.

There you have it. Eventually Id like to inventory he toys too. but I dunno if I will ever get that good! lol but you never know!

Please feel free to use anything posted here to help you create your children's section. :)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Lunch Box Quest

I am searching for yummy recipes to put in school lunches, My children's school is changing their schedule to a Balanced Day so this means they will have two 20 minute nutrition breaks.

So from time to time I will make a post about lunch box ideas. I would totally love to hear about any ideas you might have. There is one rule and that is they must be nut free. Today I tried this recipe for zucchini muffins I wanted to try Gills recipe but I was out of carrots so I will try it next time.

What we thought:

Fantastic! We didn't put nuts or fruit in them and got 12 restaurant sized muffins. on the muffin bcale of 1-10 these were a 10!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


We Collected the first harvest today! I am going to make muffins and various side dishes with them. The were grown completely pesticide free and watered with only rain water. I used organic fertilizer too. I cant wait to taste them in muffins! I already ate one right of the vine and it was so good!

I am also waiting on tomatoes beans peppers and cucumbers. I think my cukes may have swallowed the peppers those so I don't have much hope for them. I have loads of green tomatoes though. Beefsteak and Romas. This is the first year I planted food other than tomatoes. I am really happy with the results. I have big plans for next year!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Sometimes I just don't feel like doing housework. There! I said it! Today is such a day. The only thing to do is find inspiration. How do I do this? Blogging helps BIG TIME!! so does making a list and starting at the top. To set things in motion I also put together a good sound track. Here is todays:

Monday, August 4, 2008

And so it is proven to me once more just how important a home journal is!

Our vacation has ended and it is time to get back to routines. Just to review, my morning routine is:

Make and eat breakfast

Tidy up after breakfast

Empty dishwasher

Start dinner in Crock Pot (if needed)

Make beds and tidy room

Get dressed for the day

Start laundry

I don't even have to think about it! It is all written down for me in my journal. I just open to my Weekly Schedule section and follow what it says. I do the same for my laundry too.

Now I must admit my house is in need of some rescue but it wont take too long to have things back in order. I wont get overwhelmed or discouraged becasue I have all the steps I need to take right infront of me, to follow one line at a time.