Friday, August 8, 2008

Lunch Box Quest

I am searching for yummy recipes to put in school lunches, My children's school is changing their schedule to a Balanced Day so this means they will have two 20 minute nutrition breaks.

So from time to time I will make a post about lunch box ideas. I would totally love to hear about any ideas you might have. There is one rule and that is they must be nut free. Today I tried this recipe for zucchini muffins I wanted to try Gills recipe but I was out of carrots so I will try it next time.

What we thought:

Fantastic! We didn't put nuts or fruit in them and got 12 restaurant sized muffins. on the muffin bcale of 1-10 these were a 10!


Gill - That British Woman said...

they look yummy, I am doing a post on some recipe/cooking links which you may find interesting. I am hoping to get it finished in the next day or two.


Unknown said...

My DS's school is going to balanced day as well this year. Of course, he's only going into grade 1, so this will be his first year full day. I'm really at a loss of how much food to send with him. And he's a picky eater.adghxh