Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fun Things to do in Cold Weather

Winter is getting me down! Especially with how cold it has been! We are back to -30C (-22F) Needless to say playing outside isn't always an option. I have decide to list some of the things we do to cope. I hope those reading this will list any ideas they have too. As you can imagine we ae starting to get bored with what we do. So here they are:

Have a Pajama Day!

Usually only possible on weekends. We do not get dressed we stay in our jammies. Yummy snack food and hot chocolate is a must and so is a stack of favourite movies. In heavy rotation currently, Alvin and the Chipmunk, Arthur and the Invisibles, kung Fu Panda, The First Star Wars trilogy

Games, Games and More Games!

Again yummy snacks are needed but they cannot be the type that make your fingers messy, We have a huge stack of games we can choose from - Monopoly, Connect 4, Battleship, Snakes and Ladders, Checkers, Chess, Trivial Pursuit, Cribbage, etc.etc. Our favourite thee days is Cranium! We have so much fun!

Arts and Crafts

This is usually reserved for when Hubby has to work. I will usually have an idea but really I just dump supplies in the middle of the table fire up the glue guns and let the children have at`er!

For those days when we might get a reprieve or we just cannot take another day inside...

Skating on the Canal

Long johns, snow pants, balaclavas and warm mitts and skates are required. We are so lucky to live in Ottawa where we have the amazing Rideau Canal lined with wonderful shacks that contain the delicious treat we call a beavertails


Unknown said...

I really don't like winter and all this cold weather and snow. I could really do without it. Might try and get out to Winterlude this weekend though.

Deanna S. said...

Don't know how you manage with that weather up there and am cold just thinking about it, but I love your activity ideas. We recently had a pajama day too and a building forts with blankets day!

Gill - That British Woman said...

I would love to skate on the Rideau Canal one day...........
