Tuesday, February 17, 2009

And Everything in it`s Place

Never has the old saying A place for everything and everything in it`s place made more sense to me. As I am on the journey to organising my house I have learned a lot of nuggets of good information; tips for cleaning, Ideas of how to store things, ways to plans what needs to be done. If I had to sum up the whole process in one line however, this would be it! Really it is what it is all about isn't it? So simple and I have always know this too! I cannot even remember the first time I heard this phrase! Through Flylady I learned that before I brought anything in the house of when I decluttered to ask myself "Do I need this?" " Do I love this?," " Do I have one already?"." I now ask myself "Do I have a place for it?" By doing this I have eliminated several ignitions of my hotspots. This is really big because the hotspots were a huge deal here. Mess would just be shoved from spot to spot until we were overwhelmed with it. So there you have it! One of my new mantras: A place for everything and everything in it`s place!

1 comment:

Heidi Lawler said...

I wish I could be that disciplined I am such a clutter hound. Most of the time I kind of like STUFF, but then it becomes overwhelming and I want to burn the house down to be free of it all.