Sunday, July 13, 2008

I dunno if anyone is reading this but...

I created this blog for myself. This blog helps keep me on task. I know it isn't for everyone and I am fine with that. I let a negative comment discourage me from continuing and by doing so my efforts to achieve my dream of a well managed home have slipped. I didn't fall totally off the wagon; beds stayed made every day and I kept up with meal plans etc. I didn't get as far a head with my decluttering goals however so I am just going to pick up where I left off. Blogs serve many purposes. I am not trying to get a book deal or show off my writing abilities, which I realise are average at best. I created this blog to help me run my home and if it helps another that is bonus. I also hope others will share what they do too. This kind of sharing is really helpful because the same thing doesn't work for everyone. I want this to be a supportive place for folks like me just trying to do the best to create the kind of home they want.vIf I am the only one using this space to support myself then it is still totally worth while.

So here is me jumping in where I left off. My goals for the week are:

  • Complete routines everyday

  • Complete a pamper mission (tbd) this week

  • Declutter and set up guest room.

  • Excersise daily for a minimum 15 minutes


Unknown said...

I'm reading :) I'm just in a funk right now but trying to stay a float with laundry, etc. Trying to declutter but I get too overwhelmed. Okay, going to go 15 minutes right now at the computer desk!

Thanks for the kick in the butt :)

Gill - That British Woman said...

I am reading it as well........

Gill from Southern Ontario