Monday, August 4, 2008

And so it is proven to me once more just how important a home journal is!

Our vacation has ended and it is time to get back to routines. Just to review, my morning routine is:

Make and eat breakfast

Tidy up after breakfast

Empty dishwasher

Start dinner in Crock Pot (if needed)

Make beds and tidy room

Get dressed for the day

Start laundry

I don't even have to think about it! It is all written down for me in my journal. I just open to my Weekly Schedule section and follow what it says. I do the same for my laundry too.

Now I must admit my house is in need of some rescue but it wont take too long to have things back in order. I wont get overwhelmed or discouraged becasue I have all the steps I need to take right infront of me, to follow one line at a time.

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