Monday, May 24, 2010

I finished my shawl!

I don't have a picture of it to post but it turned out great! it is a light knitted shawl that is a jade green colour. I love it! I think I may make some more in various colours to give away as a gifts. Yes I am already compiling my "To Make" Christmas/Yule gifts. I think my Sister-in-Law would really like one. I am creating a new label for my blog called gift Ideas because I often post idea and then forget them. If I post them on my blog and tag them then I wont loose them and I might actually help someone else looking for an idea.

1 comment:

chksnowqueen said...

Congrats on finishing your knitting project so quickly. You must have been knitting like mad every day! I am sure it turned out lovely. You will have to show us at your next get together. What we saw looked great. If only I could finish that baby blanket as quickly as you finished the shawl... : )