Sunday, February 15, 2009


A day off to hang out with the people you love! What could be better? Nothing I tell you! We are going to start ours off with a big breakfast of fruit salad, omelets and bacon orange juice and coffee. Then we are going pull on our long-johns, extra pants sweaters, snow-pants double knit mitts and toques (and take them off and put them on again because someone needs the bathroom), grab our skates and head to the rink for some fun. When we are done we will come home for hot chocolate, chicken soup and home made beavertails! Then I hope to spend the afternoon engaged in a rousing game of Cranium. I think I will find a good crock-pot meal so that I can play too. Then after the kids are bathed and pajamaed, we will tuck in for a bed time story. Then mom and dad will cuddle on the couch and likely pass out from our fun day with our little bundles of endless joy and energy. I love Family day!

I know some of my readers are from Ontario. Tell what will/did you do for Family 2009?


Unknown said...

Well, Q and I are already up. I'm going to let C & DH sleep in as long as they like. Breakfast will probably be scrambled omelet, bagels & fruit. We're thinking of heading to the Ntl Art Gallery since they are open and it's FREE today in honour of Family Day. The rest of the day, not sure - maybe a movie or game and lots of relaxing.

Have fun!

Heidi Lawler said...

sounds like a lovely adventure! good for you for getting the better of the weather. don't let the snow keep you down!