Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back to Routines!

I am feeling so good about this! I seem to thrive on them. I think the children do too. I know the house does! lol. Don't get me wrong- I do like spontaneity but I have found that when the routines are in place and the house is in order spontaneous events are more likely to happen. I can decide to invite a friend over without having to worry about the state of the house. We can take off for the day because I have a meal prepped to go into the crock before we leave. We can decide at a moments notice to go for a swim because I have clean towels and out swim suits are folded and in their drawer for when we need them. Such was not the case in the past. The house was a mess so we couldn't have said friend over, The day trip could not happen because I had to figure out dinner or worse I would blow my budget on the takeout we had to order because I had no dinner when we returned etc, you get the picture. Things are far from perfect but very much improved and getting better everyday. I know I am not the most eloquent of writers but by sharing my journey here I keep myself motivated and maybe inspire others to help themselves too.

Coming Soon:

Thanksgiving Day Planning.

1 comment:

Deanna S. said...

Good for you! Don't you just love it when all your ducks are in a row and you have no guilt leaving the house?? (not often for me..the vacuum has been sitting in the middle of my living room for 4 days). Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog while I was out of town....I made a new post just for you and your kiddos.